Thursday, March 15, 2012

Burning of the Quran: Should We Have Apolgized?

We were talking about this issue in class today so I thought I'd post this relevant youtube video. It is a response to Obama's apology after the Qurans were burned; While many see this as an injustice and social wrong, Kira Davis criticizes Obama's apology because of the wrongs happening between America and Afghanistan and the wrongs done to the nation's own people by those in power. I haven't researched all of the claims she makes and verify them, but many of them are things we all know or have heard. She brings up a lot of current events that have religious associations and she faces a lot of reality by not only criticizes their political leaders and actions, but also our own, in a very intriguing/provocative way.

Issues [paraphrased] with Afghanistan:

- I'm sorry that you have harbored terrorists, and we can't just "quickly level the bad guys there and get out"
- I'm sorry that you have "no problem whatsoever with sewing a twelve-year-old girl's vagina shut so she can't sin" and that you persecute homosexuals
- I'm sorry that you "imprison and even execute" those who leave the Islamic faith
- I'm sorry that the detainees use your sacred text to send covert, coded messages back in faith and that we have to destroy them just to keep our personnel safe.
etc, etc, etc. Watch it, it's super interesting.

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